Monday, January 11, 2016

10 Ways to Improve SEO Rankings

1.Add content frequently new and relevant to your website
2.Make sure your URL contains your targeted keywords
Such As
Your targeting keyword is “Mypage” means your URL like this

3.Remove duplicate content from your website
Such As
Two page having same content. Use redirect method to
Redirect the duplicate page to targeted pages.

4.Utilize Social Sharing buttons in your website
Such As

Stumble Upon
Google Plus

5.Add your new content to social Bookmarking sites
Such As
Stumble Upon
6.Create effective <title> tag that incorporate your keyword
<title>Target Keyword </title>

7.Avoid low quality links in favor of sites having high ranking
8.Improve your on-page content structure
H1 Tags
Image Title
Alt Tag

9.Write for your Reader, not Just Search Engines
Write a content that's most attracting by user.
Don’t make it user to bore to read

10.Conduct a full website audit to determine issue

Such As
404 Errors
Image Optimizing
CSS Errors

Health Insurance Policy

I Have Health Insurance 


If you already have health insurance from your employer, you don't have to do anything. The new health law does not require employers to change the insurance they provide. Medicare is largely unchanged by the Affordable Care Act, although the law improves coverage of prescription drugs. If you're already receiving Medical, you will continue to do so. If you buy insurance for yourself or your family, you will have access to a new marketplace called Covered California. You may also qualify for tax credits to help you pay for health insurance. Anyone who does not have health insurance can buy it through Covered California.

Employer-based Health Insurance

 If you receive health insurance at work, you are likely to continue to do so. But even after the health law takes effect Jan. 

1, employers may change plans, premiums, deductibles or other elements of the insurance they offer, just as they can now. The Affordable Care Act mandated several changes that benefit people with health insurance. No waiting until 2014 for these changes — they're already in effect: 

Children can stay on a parent's plan until age 26 
Your insurance company cannot drop you if you get sick 
You get free preventive care with no co-pay and no deductible, including many cancer screening tests (although some plans already in effect may be exempt from providing this benefit)
Lifetime caps on coverage are banned That's it. If you have employer-based health insurance, the health law's most significant changes are already in place.

I Am Covered Through the Low Income Health Program. What Do I Do? 

The Low Income Health Program (LIHP) was built as a "bridge to reform." On Jan. 1, you will transition to Medi-Cal. You can read more about Medi-Cal in this guide. I Buy My Own Health Insurance. 

What Does the New Health Law Mean to Me? 
Right now, people who buy insurance for themselves or for their families have no leverage with insurance companies. If you're buying your own insurance, you probably pay a much higher premium than a large company would pay for similar coverage. If you are sick, the insurance company might also charge you a higher premium or refuse to cover you.

I Do Not Have Health Insurance


7 million people are uninsured in California. 
Under the health law, most people must have insurance starting Jan. 1, 2014, or pay a fine. 
People who are uninsured may get insurance in one of two ways: an expanded Medi-Cal program or a new online health insurance marketplace. 
People who buy insurance in the marketplace may be eligible for federal tax credits to help them afford health insurance. 

In California, 7 million people do not have health insurance. Many say they cannot afford it. Others say insurance companies refuse to issue them a policy because they are sick. Most uninsured people have jobs, or are the children of working parents, but their employers do not offer health insurance.

The New Marketplace — Covered California In the new marketplace,
insurers will no longer be able to deny you coverage because of a current or past health condition. In addition, many people will qualify for government subsidies — in the form of tax credits — to help them purchase health insurance.

Expanded Medi-Cal program

Medi-Cal is the government health insurance program for people who are poor or disabled. Under the new federal law, California is expanding the income limits for the Medi-Cal program. Many more poor people will qualify.

What the Health Law Changes for Small Business Owners

 Under the Affordable Care Act, small business owners will be able to purchase health insurance for their employees on a special marketplace called "SHOP," the Small Business Health Options Program. SHOP is run by Covered California, which also runs the new marketplace for individuals and families. The SHOP marketplace is expected to launch this summer. In SHOP, you will be part of an insurance pool made up of small businesses across California. This is new under the health law. The goal is to give small businesses access to more plans and more buying power, just as large businesses have traditionally had. If you currently offer health insurance and have a broker you work with, your broker can help you pick a plan on SHOP. If you don't have a broker, you may seek help navigating SHOP from Covered California, if you wish.

Does the Health Law Require That Small Businesses Provide Health Insurance?
No. The Affordable Care Act does not require that businesses with fewer than 50 full-time equivalent employees (defined as 30 hours per week) provide health insurance. But if your business has 50 or more FTEs, you could be subject to penalties if you do not provide insurance. 

What Businesses Are Eligible for This Tax Credit I Keep Hearing About?

First, the tax credit is available now. If you currently offer health insurance, you can claim the credit on your income tax return, if you are eligible. The major qualifying factor is the size of your business. Only companies with 25 or fewer full-time equivalent employees are eligible. Eligibility is further determined by several other factors including: Your average annual wages are less than $50,000 per full-time equivalent employee You pay at least 50 percent of the health insurance premium for your employees Both businesses and nonprofits are eligible. The tax credits are available on a sliding scale: up to 35 percent of premiums in tax year 2013 and up to 50 percent of premiums in tax year 2014. Covered California can help you determine your own eligibility. Tax credits are available for a total of two consecutive years.

How does Google Make Money?

Over 95% of Google’s revenue is from advertising
Ads that appear when you do a search on Google- major part of this money
Listings at the top and right side of search results- contributions by advertisers- Google charges money for these ads

Where Are the Ads

Listings at the top and right side of search results- contributions by advertisers
Google charges money for these ads

Cost per Click Advertising 
Companies use Google AdWords to
advertise their business
have their results displayed
Advertiser pays Google for each click
32% of the money kept by the Google
68% passed onto the website that ran the ads

Advertisers can also join Google’s AdSense program to display their ads on its website
AdWords is responsible for major part of the Google’s advertising revenue
Large number of new websites participate in this program

Google Keywords Tools
Great search result exposure to their advertisements by getting more people clicking on them
AdWords is contributing around 70% of Google’s advertising revenue- rest from AdSense
Services Google offers exist just to promote the primary business of Google

How much Google charges for a click?
Uses an auction kind of system- price depends upon the competition for that particular keyword or keywords
Many other companies bidding for the same keyword-you will have to pay more or outbid them
May vary from $0.01 to $50 or may be more
Insurance and loans advertisers are paying the highest money for ads on Google

6 Top Ways to Make Money Online

Online Business Models

2.Email Marketing
3.Selling Services
4.Affiliate Marketing
5.Membership Sites

6.Mobile Apps

Advertisers pay you for space on your website. 

Advertisers pay you for space on your website.  

2.Email Marketing

You send users emails and get paid for it.

Building an email list.

You collect emails from your site.  You charge advertisers to send an ad to your email list. 

Potential Buyers
People who open the email may buy something from your advertiser.

3.Selling Services

Let’s say you own a lawn service.  Use your website to allow customers to buy service online.

4.Affiliate Marketing

You give someone a link to an online store.  They click on it.
They buy a product.  You make a percentage of purchase.

Example Affiliate Program

1.Free to sign up.
2.You can pick any product on
3.You make a percentage of the sale.
4.Walmart sends you a check.  

Ways To Make Money Online

In today's economy, more and more people are coming online to find an alternative source of income. If done successfully, it can lead to a more flexible and enjoyable career. Many times, though, newcomers to internet marketing tend to get discouraged, confused, and unmotivated because, in most cases, results aren't immediate. Some people are able to create a healthy income rather quickly while others stumble for years trying to succeed online. Experienced internet marketers understand this and tap into the growing 'make money online' market. They do this by creating information products, some good and some bad, that try to provide a guideline on how to make money online. There are many good programs in existence but, unfortunately, the constant changing of the internet sometimes leads to methods of making money online obsolete. Marketers know that the method that they have been using to make money is starting to waver so they package up a product and sell it to naive newcomers.

At the same time, if proper research is done, a product can be ground breaking and very useful to its users. These products are usually created by marketers that truly care to help people make money online. They have experienced it themselves, know the market is constantly changing, and adapt their product to that. These higher caliber products are perfect for newcomers but tend to have a higher price tag because of supply and demand. If you are a newcomer to the internet marketing world, follow these guidelines when trying to make money online this really is the foundation to success. To be successful, you must research the market, find out whats in demand, how big of a demand there is, and how much competition is out there. Find a product you would enjoy promoting and expand on it. If your interested in the 'animal' niche then break it down further. If you want to target 'dog' owners then maybe you could target those that are interested in 'dog training'.
Build some internet marketers out there will say that you don't really need a website to succeed in making money online. While this may be true for some, if you want to build a long term income online then you need the proper tools. Building a website can be a daunting task if you don't know what you're doing but there are many content management systems that can ease the learning curve. Word Press, Joomla, and Drupal are very popular content systems that, if you spend a little time learning, can provide powerful results. Promote this really is the hardest part for most people. Getting traffic to your site and ultimately your offer will take time if you want to build a steady stream of income. Pay per click is a very popular method and can result in immediate traffic. It does cost money and this method has to be constantly monitored to make sure your return on investment is acceptable. Search engine optimization is a long term commitment that can take years to fully take effect. Usually, though, this is the best source of traffic. You also have various other sites such as forums, online classified ads, social media marketing, and so on.

What is Personal Loan And Process?

A personal loan is a type of debt which is made for personal, family, or household use, and which is neither a business loan nor a long-term mortgage loan.
•Secured Loan
•Unsecured Loan

Range: $100 – $100000

Sources of loans

  • Commercial banks
  • Savings institutions
  • Finance companies
  • Credit unions
  • Some automobile manufacturers
  • Friends
  • Family members

Personal Loan Process
Loan Contract
Loan Repayment Schedule

Documents required - Self Employed
2 photos + ID proof
PAN mandatory
Residential proof
Utility bill
1 year banking
3 years ITR + Business proof (tin/service tax, company profile)

Documents required - Salaried
2 photos
ID proof
PAN mandatory
Residential proof
Utility bill
6 months banking
3 month salary slip or 2 years form- 16

Loan Contract
A contract that specifies the terms of a loan, as agreed to by the borrower and the lender”

Know Your Customer (KYC)
Amount of the loan
Interest rate

Loan Repayment Schedule
EMI – Estimated Monthly Installment/Equated Monthly Installment
EMI = (P * R/12) * [ (1+R/12)^N] / [ (1+R/12)^N-1],
P = Principal (loan amount);
R = Annual Interest Rate;
N = No. of Monthly Instalments

Number of Installments
Interest: Rate and Type

Top 5 Things To Know About Annuity Structured Settlement

1- Annuity structured settlement 

When a party is injured and has a physical injuries claim, an insurance provider will make regular repayments to the damaged party as apart of the claim. So, as an alternative to being paid a single payment for the whole claim, this claim will be compensated on a yearly basis or month to month according to the agreement with the insurance provider. A structured settlement works effectively for both the insurance provider and the particular person who is basically claiming the amount of money from the insurance provider.

 2- A great financial package deal to suit your needs 

Basically, a structured settlement is just a financial package deal that makes it possible for the arrangement to be compensated over a specific period of time. The fantastic thing about a structured settlement is the fact that if this amount of money is compensated over a life time, usually, you will get more than you would initially have received if you had acquired the single payment. Each annuity structured settlement is exclusively made in accordance with each individual's personal circumstances. Based on the insured amount of money, the obligations that you have been paying out and the standard of the injuries, your structured settlement will usually be according to these factors. 

3- Continuous availability of funds 

Now, in case you are presently in the procedure of having or being given a structured settlement, you will discover a few advantages that you need to take into account that could possibly be worthy of dealing with the problems of having one. Structured settlement annuities confirm a continuous availability of funds over a prolonged length of time, irrespective of the financial scenario. You can usually have the back-up of the premium which gives you with a feeling of protection. Moreover to this, your structured settlement is free of tax over a particular time period. Because of the trustworthiness of structured pay outs, it is probably a better financial commitment then most stocks and shares, bonds and also in these hardship, real estate property. 

4- Income routine is never disturbed 

Continues cash flow is always guaranteed in it, for it is limited by the laws, therefore the income routine is never disturbed. For the individual who is eager to sell a structured settlement, it is still a blessing for him, for he will get the outstanding amount of the money in a big piece, thus getting rid of the pressure of economical need for a special time. It is not risky in any way; in reality structured settlement is getting very common throughout the America nowadays. 

5- A versatile insurance plan that suit your needs

The most significant thing about considering a structured settlement is the fact that it is versatile and can be designed in such a manner that it could be compensated over as many years as you want protection. A structured settlement could also be given over your whole life time. In many instances, you can also find a condition in which the insurance provider that says when the named beneficiary of the structured settlement has died, their husband or wife or particular family member will get a single payment from the structured settlement annuity at the same time. 

6- A risk-free financial commitment 

What kind of security do you acquire when you get or purchase a structured settlement? They are both secured by means of the control of the Government and State laws. Eventually, in case you want a risk-free financial commitment, then it is realistic to select an annuity structured settlement. The taxation advantages and the protection in getting a continuous amount of money being compensated in to your yearly budget is a big plus if you have some more funds to spend. 

7- How it’s a risk free investment? 

Over and over again men and women have been thinking how settlements can be so risk-free. The explanation they are risk-free is the fact that as the sale happens the settlement records are given to the particular person or company buying it. After the deal the structured settlement buyer is the rightful body to get the future money, therefore turning into a way to obtain continues profits in the future for the entity.