Monday, January 11, 2016

How does Google Make Money?

Over 95% of Google’s revenue is from advertising
Ads that appear when you do a search on Google- major part of this money
Listings at the top and right side of search results- contributions by advertisers- Google charges money for these ads

Where Are the Ads

Listings at the top and right side of search results- contributions by advertisers
Google charges money for these ads

Cost per Click Advertising 
Companies use Google AdWords to
advertise their business
have their results displayed
Advertiser pays Google for each click
32% of the money kept by the Google
68% passed onto the website that ran the ads

Advertisers can also join Google’s AdSense program to display their ads on its website
AdWords is responsible for major part of the Google’s advertising revenue
Large number of new websites participate in this program

Google Keywords Tools
Great search result exposure to their advertisements by getting more people clicking on them
AdWords is contributing around 70% of Google’s advertising revenue- rest from AdSense
Services Google offers exist just to promote the primary business of Google

How much Google charges for a click?
Uses an auction kind of system- price depends upon the competition for that particular keyword or keywords
Many other companies bidding for the same keyword-you will have to pay more or outbid them
May vary from $0.01 to $50 or may be more
Insurance and loans advertisers are paying the highest money for ads on Google

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